Client - Câmara Municipal do Porto
Location - Porto, Portugal
GPS - 41°09'15.3"N 8°39'04.2"W
Site Area - 91 000 m2
Built Area -45 000 m2
Budget - 19 463 400,00€ + IVA
João Branco + Paula del Río
Paulo Providência
Marco Silva
Diogo Rodrigues
Diana Altino
© João R. Vicente
Unboxed Visuals
Respecting the implantation and volumetry proposed in the competition program, the buildings are organized in search for a balance between the activation of urban space and the insertion of quality housing typologies, well oriented and with generous spaces.
The urban proposal develops around a new public space, centrally located next to the tower. This way, the iconic building, set up to give an end to Campo Alegre street with recognisable, slim proportions, also gives shape to the public space where pedestrian movements cross and connect with nearby areas. At street level, public space is characterized by continuity and connection, also through the transparency of the ground floors, in a dynamic between the fluidity of pedestrian crossings and rest zones.
The housing typologies are organized from the best solar orientation: 190 apartments, all with balconies turner to the sun. The balconies are spaces to be lived, “outdoor living rooms” that seek for comfort and allow the expansion of the indoor, always protected from the wind.